Nutrition in Pregnancy Class with Robyn Compton

Nutrition in Pregnancy Class with Robyn Compton 1

Upcoming Classes

All classes will be conducted in the OGCG rooms. Patients will receive an email with resources after the presentation.

  • Wednesday, 17th July
  • Wednesday, 14th August
  • Wednesday, 2nd October
  • Wednesday, 20th November

Robyn Compton is an accredited practising dietitian (APD) in her private practice at the Royal Women’s Hospital in Melbourne, specializing in the dietary management of people with diabetes, specifically gestational diabetes. She has been in private practice for 26 years and has continued to gain accreditation every year, as an accredited practicing dietitian (APD) with the Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA).

Robyn’s other field of interest is the nutritional management of pregnancy, seeing women needing assistance with their diet in pregnancy for management of their diabetes, PCOS, weight control, adequate nutrition for multiple pregnancies or due to specific dietary practices eg vegetarianism.

Robyn also sees women who are planning to conceive and looking to improve their health and fertility, through diet and lifestyle changes.

Topics we will cover in this talk

  • Nutrition – why it is important: The first 1000 days
  • Foods to Enjoy in Pregnancy: the key nutrients, why, how much & food sources
  • Energy requirements
  • Planning healthy meals and snacks
  • Supplements
  • Weight gain
  • Foods to avoid: Listeria, mercury, alcohol
  • Foods to minimise: Caffeine, artificial sweeteners
  • Gastrointestinal side effects: Nausea, heartburn, and constipation
  • The gut microbiome and probiotics
  • Fluids
  • Exercise
  • Sleep
  • Preparing for the fourth trimester
  • Reasons to see a dietitian in pregnancy

Follow Robyn on Instagram.

Nutrition in Pregnancy Class with Robyn Compton 2


This class is complimentary

Nutrition in Pregnancy Class with Robyn Compton 3


Arrive at 5:15 pm for a 5:30 pm start. Finishes at 7pm.

Nutrition in Pregnancy Class with Robyn Compton 4


19th June

19th July

Nutrition in Pregnancy Class with Robyn Compton 5


Classes are conducted in the OGCG rooms.


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5 female specialist obstetricians, O&GCG Melbourne, Dr Jean Wong, Dr Leah Xu, Dr Natalia Khomko, Dr Perri Dyson and Dr Robin Thurman

Do you have any concerns or would like to ask our doctors a question?
Please fill in the form below.

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