OGCG Colposcopy Clinic

OGCG Colposcopy Clinic 1

OGCG Colposcopy Clinic offers a comprehensive diagnostic, treatment and management service for women needing a specialist assessment of the cervix.

When is Colposcopy performed?

A Colposcopy may be required for the following reasons

  • Abnormalities detected on Cervical Screening Test (CST)
  • Postcoital bleeding
  • Abnormal looking cervix

How do I make Colposcopy appointment?

How is Colposcopy performed?

A Colposcopy is performed in OGCG rooms. There is no need for an anaesthetic. The procedure is similar to having a Cervical Screening Test (CST), and takes around 15 minutes. It can feel slightly uncomfortable but it is usually not painful.

A speculum is inserted into the vagina to help visualise the cervix. A weak vinegar solution is applied to the cervix and in some cases to vagina. This helps to visualise abnormal areas by making them turn white. Sometimes Iodine solution can also be used. A Doctor then looks at the cervix with a Colposcope placed outside the entrance to vagina. A Colposcope is a magnifying device that resembles a pair of binoculars on a stand. Having identified any abnormalities, the Doctor may take a small biopsy and send it to Pathology for testing. A biopsy may feel like a small scratch.

What should I expect after Colposcopy?

If a biopsy was taken, you may experience some mild period like pain. This can be managed with Paracetamol or Ibuprofen (Neurofen) if required. It is normal to experience some brown/grey vaginal discharge and some vaginal spotting, and you will need to wear a pad. You need to avoid heavy physical activity, vaginal intercourse, tampons, menstrual cups, vaginal pessaries/creams, swimming/bathing/spas for 2-3 days. You can shower as normal.

Follow up care post Colposcopy

After the Colposcopy the Doctor will explain the findings and how you will get your test results. Depending on the results of Colposcopy and biopsy, the Doctor may recommend

  • Routine Cervical Screening
  • More frequent Cervical Screening
  • Repeat Colposcopy
  • Treatment

What treatment options are available?

Treatment is individualised depending on type of abnormality, your symptoms and other factors. Main treatment options include

  • LEEP/LLETZ – a wire loop is used to remove abnormal cells
  • Laser Ablation – a Laser is used to remove abnormal cells
  • Cone Biopsy – a cone shaped area of the cervix containing abnormal cells is removed
  • Cervical Diathermy – diathermy is used to cauterize top of cervix
5 female specialist obstetricians, O&GCG Melbourne, Dr Jean Wong, Dr Leah Xu, Dr Natalia Khomko, Dr Perri Dyson and Dr Robin Thurman

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