Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all on-site antenatal and postnatal education classes at the hospital have been suspened and moved to an online platform instead.
The Baby Safe program is now available on line.
The program is conducted over three sessions, each of 1.25 hours duration.
The program modules are:
- 1. Safe Sleeping (suitable from 28 weeks’ onwards)
- 2. Recognising and responding to an unwell baby (suitable from 32 weeks’ onwards)
- 3. Baby Basic Life Support (suitable from 32 weeks’ onwards)
Each module costs $25 for a couple (2 people attending) or $20 for a single (1 person attending).
Bookings for all three modules are via Evenbrite.
Module 1: Safe Sleeping
The link to book the Safe Sleeping Class is here:
The password is babysafe
Module 2: Recognising and responding to an unwell baby
The link to book: Recognising and responding to an unwell baby class is here:
The password is babysafe
Module 3: Baby Basic Life Support
The link to book Baby Basic Life Support class is here:
The password is babysafe
Baby Safety Program Online:
Led by Dr Rosemarie Boland
Dr Rosemarie Boland is a newborn educator, neonatal intensive care nurse and midwife with over 30 years’ experience. She specializes in providing first aid training for expectant parents, and parents and families of newborn babies and ex-premature infants.
Program overview:
Baby Safe Program: 0-6 month infants
Topics covered in the 3 modules of the Baby Safe program include:
- Safe sleep environment
- Safe wrapping versus safe sleeping bags
- Recognising signs of an unwell baby
- Seeking professional help: who, where and when
- Managing illness in the first few months after birth
- Baby CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation)
- Management of choking
- Management of febrile convulsions
- Button battery safety
- Bath and water safety
$20 for a single attendee per module (inclusive of 10% GST)
$25 for a couple
All bookings and payments are made via the Eventbrite booking site.
Grandparents and other family member are welcome to book a position at this class.
What to expect
Each class runs for 1.25 to 1.5 hours, by ZOOM, in small groups.
ZOOM can be access from a computer, lap top, tablet device or your smart phone.
You will be able to talk to Dr Rose Boland during the class, see her on your screen and ask her questions during the class and at the completion of the class.
You will receive resources for each topic after the class.
Health Fund Rebates
Regrettably, we are not able to offer Health Fund rebates for this program at this time.
For more information
Please contact Dr Rosemarie Boland
Email: rose@preciouscare.com.au
Phone: 0413 940 294 – Dr Rosemarie Boland
Empowering parents of newborn babies to deal with emergencies with confidence.