Shared Care Pregnancy

shared care pregnancy - model image 01

What is Shared Care?

Shared care is an arrangement between a hospital and an Obstetrician at OGCG where your pregnancy care is divided/shared between the two.

You will have some/most of your antenatal appointments with your Obstetrician at OGCG and others with the hospital.

Most hospitals that offer shared care do so only for women with low-risk pregnancies.

The benefits of a shared care pregnancy

  • Some women like shared care because it means they can receive most of their maternity care from an Obstetrician whom they are familiar with, or who works close to their home or workplace, or the hospital is close to their home or workplace. This means consistency in your care.
  • It also means that the same Obstetrician who has cared for you during the pregnancy can continue to care for you and your baby in the weeks after birth. Your Obstetrician will not be at your delivery, this part of your care is provided by the hospital.
  • If English is your second language, your Obstetrician might speak your first language and be more aware of your cultural needs.
  • Obstetricians are also trained to deal with other relevant issues such as monitoring your mental health during the pregnancy and in the postnatal period and the provision of contraception.

Making a shared care arrangement

If you are interested in shared care pregnancy, make sure your Obstetrician and your chosen hospital offer this service. Obstetricians who regularly participate in shared care will already have a relationship with one or more maternity hospitals.

You will require a GP referral to your chosen Obstetrician and the hospital.

OGCG currently has shared care arrangements with The Royal Women’s Hospital Parkville, The Northern Epping, The Mercy Heidelberg and The Sunshine Hospital.

Shared care schedule

This appointment schedule is a guide and based on a low risk pregnancy.
(It may change depending on individual circumstances)

OGCG normal schedule of visits (if low risk) starting at 8-10 weeks.
8-10 weeks @ OGCG

SCH (Shared care hospital) Booking visit between 15-18 weeks, 28 week +/-, 36 weeks, 41 weeks.
Delivery is at SCH.

8-10 weeks (possibly combined Telehealth and in rooms)
13 weeks
16 weeks
15-18 weeks Booking visit SCH
20 weeks fee due
24 weeks
28 weeks SCH (fee due if at OGCG rooms)
30 weeks (fee due if not paid at 28 weeks due to SCH appt)
32 weeks
34 weeks
36 weeks SCH
37 weeks
38 weeks
39 weeks
40 weeks +CTG
41 weeks SCH
Postnatal appointment 6-8 weeks after birth.

5 female specialist obstetricians, O&GCG Melbourne, Dr Jean Wong, Dr Leah Xu, Dr Natalia Khomko, Dr Perri Dyson and Dr Robin Thurman

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